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PivotDataTool 3.81 Crack With Key Free Download

PivotDataTool 3.81 Crack+ For Windows (2022) 1. Extract data from a CSV file or a SQL database. 2. Load data into a in-memory data cube, apply the needed cube configuration, apply the value mapping rules and aggregate the data. 3. Generate a pivot table report for the aggregated data. 4. Select an output handler and generate the desired format of the result, including CSV, Excel and PDF. 5. Save the data to files with the specified format. 6. In case you selected output handler that supports it, the program can optimize the output file and save it as compressed. 7. Perform query analysis on the in-memory data cube using the HQL and SQL query languages. 8. Perform additional database drivers or cube configuration settings. PivotDataTool 2022 Crack Features: 1. High-performance, fast operations. 2. Easy to use. 3. Extensive documentation. 4. CSV output file import. 5. OLAP servers and Excel-like file format. 6. Pivot Table report output. 7. Drag and drop import of pivot table reports. 8. Easy configurable output. 9. Compatible with databases such as SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle. 10. Sub-second aggregated data creation. 11. Query analysis capabilities for the in-memory data cube. 12. Multiple output format support. PivotDataTool User Interface: 1. Data source configuration wizard. 2. Cube configuration wizard. 3. CSV file import wizard. 4. Data cube configuration wizard. 5. Value mapping wizard. 6. Pivot table report wizard. 7. Tools: ◆ Quickly open and save files. ◆ Reset settings. ◆ Generate header row/column of pivot table report. ◆ Copy table report. ◆ Generate pivot table report for the in-memory data cube. PivotDBTool is a utility designed to convert a large amount of relational data to a format that can be used by PivotTableSheet. This PivotTableSheet can be used as a custom-built database, an Excel workbook or a database web page. PivotDBTool does not try to reinvent the wheel. Instead, it lets you quickly and easily access an existing SQL database using the existing SQL. It provides an easy-to-use and fast interface for creating your own database tables, views and stored procedures. The P PivotDataTool 3.81 Crack+ X64 (April-2022) ------------------------------ PivotDataTool Product Key is a simple, lightweight utility designed to process data extracted from CSV files or SQL databases and transpose it to HTML pivot tables. The program runs as a Command Line utility and features a comprehensive documentation, which can help you get accustomed to the functions, arguments. The tool allows you to load cubes of data from serialized data files (for example a pair of *.cfg and *.dat files), as well as aggregate information from CSV documents. It can perform cube configuration, if required and aggregate the data returned by the selected database driver. Microsoft SQL Server and ODBC drivers are supported. PivotDataTool allows you to define in-memory cube configuration details, which you can save as *.json files, as well as apply the value mapping rules for each input data row. However, certain cubefile arguments cannot be used for mapping rules. After aggregation, the program can generate a pivot table report. You can control the pivot table report output handles with ease. The output handlers that PivotDataTool supports allow you to save the aggregated data to the specified files. Alternatively, the result may be displayed as dimension keys and the pivot table report can automatically be rendered to HTML. Pivot table reports may also be rendered to CSV, PDF or Excel files. OLAP servers or Microsoft Excel are not required for exporting the pivot table reports. PivotDataTool is a suitable tool that can help you aggregate data in a matter of seconds. It can come in handy when Microsoft Excel cannot manage particular data structures from CSV files or built-in memory data cubes. PivotDataTool Features: ----------------------------- * Pivot tables in a wide range of configuration * Supports SQL and ODBC database drivers * Supports in-memory cube configuration * Aggregates data from any table and supports GROUP BY * Supports both single or multiple SELECT statements * Supports grouping by any selected columns * Supports sorting by multiple columns * Supports aggregation by any selected columns * Supports performing pivoting by any of the specified dimensions * Supports Pivoting by several dimensions (overlapping) * Supports setting the values of the selected dimension columns * Supports loading/loading data to in-memory cube * Supports table configuration * Supports variable mapping * Supports iterative cube updates * Supports Table configuration * Supports variable mapping * Supports table configuration * Supports XML configuration file * Supports XML configuration file * Supports in-memory configuration file * Supports XML configuration file * Supports JSON configuration file * Supports HTML report * Supports CSV report * Supports Excel report * Supports XML report * Supports JSON report * Supports HTML report * Supports CSV report * Supports Excel report * Supports XML report * Supports JSON report * Supports HTML report * Supports CSV report * Supports Excel report * 1a423ce670 PivotDataTool 3.81 Crack + Torrent (Activation Code) Free Download For Windows • Generates HTML pivot table report with set of html pages, each of which contains layout of pivot table. • Output type (HTML, CSV, Excel, PDF, etc.): use HTML to generate pivot table report from your datasource; use CSV to generate pivot table report in csv format; use Excel to generate pivot table report in excel format. • Method (text, column_number, row_number): Use text as report method, use column_number to set the number of column, use row_number to set the number of row. • Number of row (1, 2, 3...): Specify number of rows to show in pivot table report. • Number of column (1, 2, 3...): Specify number of columns to show in pivot table report. • Use column / row header as title (text, yes / no): Select "yes" to use the column / row header as title of pivot table report. • Number of titles (1, 2, 3...): Specify number of titles for pivot table report. • Show column header (0, 1, 2...): Choose "0" to hide the column header, choose "1" to show the column header. • Number of filters (0, 1, 2...): Specify number of filters for your report. • Show total row / column (0, 1, 2...): Select "0" to hide the total row / column, choose "1" to show the total row / column. • Show avg row / column (0, 1, 2...): Select "0" to hide the avg row / column, choose "1" to show the avg row / column. • Show sum row / column (0, 1, 2...): Select "0" to hide the sum row / column, choose "1" to show the sum row / column. • Show max row / column (0, 1, 2...): Select "0" to hide the max row / column, choose "1" to show the max row / column. • Show min row / column (0, 1, 2...): Select "0" to hide the min row / column, choose "1" to show the min row / column. • Show avg of previous row (0, 1, 2...): Select "0" to hide the avg of previous row, choose "1" to show the avg of previous row. What's New In PivotDataTool? System Requirements: Minimum: OS: Windows Vista x86/x64 (requires 32-bit or 64-bit) Processor: 2 GHz Core 2 Duo or equivalent Memory: 2 GB Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GT or ATI Radeon HD 2600 or equivalent Recommended: Processor: 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo or equivalent Memory: 4 GB Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 295 or

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